Research Fellow – Health Psychology at University of Southampton

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Research Fellow – Health Psychology at University of Southampton


[ad_1] Research Fellow in Health Psychology – fixed term, full time or part-time (1 year) A full time post is available to lead and ca

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Research Fellow in Health Psychology – fixed term, full time or part-time (1 year)

A full time post is available to lead and carry out a qualitative, quantitative and/or mixed methods process evaluation of the RECUR trial, investigating the processes influencing engagement with and outcomes of an intervention to reduce frequency of respiratory infections. The work will be carried out under the supervision of Professor Lucy Yardley and Ass Prof Adam Geraghty and will include preparing and analysing qualitative and/or quantitative process data and writing up the process analyses for publication.

You will have an in-depth understanding of health psychology and will be starting to build your academic standing, aiming to gain recognition at least at a national level. Your knowledge and experience will usually have been gained through a relevant PhD*, but may also have been achieved via other research experience, normally supported by a relevant postgraduate degree. You will have demonstrated your ability to work independently and efficiently in a research context, will have a track record of research in infection self-management, and will have experience of carrying out qualitative, quantitative and/or mixed methods process analyses of the implementation of digital self-management interventions.

Flexible working and / or job share would be considered, including sharing the post between a person with qualitative expertise and a person with quantitative expertise, if there is no applicant with a high level of mixed methods expertise.

We are committed to building an inclusive and diverse culture at the University and creating an environment where people can balance successful careers with their commitments and interests outside of work.   Our flexible working practices, including a hybrid working model, where employees can split their working time between the office and home, support our belief that this balance brings long-lasting benefits for our institution as well as our people.

*Applications for Research Fellow positions will be considered from candidates who hold a PhD or equivalent qualification, or, in the case of candidates who already have at least one relevant research paper accepted for publication, who have submitted a PhD thesis for the examination of the degree of PhD and are preparing for an examination by viva.  The title of Research Fellow will be applied upon award of the PhD.  Prior to the qualification being awarded the title of Senior Research Assistant will be given.

Potential applicants who would like to discuss the posts are welcome to contact Professor Lucy Yardley via email

Interviews will be held on: 4th/5th September

The position is tenable from 9th October 2023


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