Lecturer Physiotherapy (Practice based and Simulation) at Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh

HomeHealth & Fitness

Lecturer Physiotherapy (Practice based and Simulation) at Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh


[ad_1] Division: Dietetics, Nutrition, Biological Sciences, Physiotherapy, Podiatry and Radiography Hours: 17 hours and 30 minutes per

Research Assistant or Research Associate at University of Leicester
Womens health in the workplace at Manchester Metropolitan University
Associate Professor of Molecular Eucaryotic Cellular Biology at Roskilde University


Division: Dietetics, Nutrition, Biological Sciences, Physiotherapy, Podiatry and Radiography

Hours: 17 hours and 30 minutes per week (0.5FTE)

Contract: Fixed term: Maternity Leave cover 1/9/2023 until 5/4/2024

This post offers an exciting opportunity within the School of Health Sciences for an enthusiastic, motivated, experienced individual to join the team at Queen Margaret University.

The main objective of this post is to continue the delivery, development and evaluation of simulation and other physiotherapy practice-based activity across a range of settings. The role holder will work with the placement lead in physiotherapy as well as other leads, liaise with practice educators and contribute to the wider practice placement operationalisation within the School and to develop shared resources where appropriate.  

There will be opportunity to contribute to the wider learning and teaching of physiotherapy and other AHP students and contribute to quality assurance and review processes.

The School with its breadth of professional programmes delivers Physiotherapy, Public Health as well as Therapeutic and Diagnostic Radiography, Nutrition, Dietetics, Podiatry, Occupational Therapy, Art Therapies, Speech and Hearing Science and Nursing, and as such is in a unique position to develop opportunities for multi-professional and inter-disciplinary learning and teaching and research.

To apply for this role, you must be an HCPC physiotherapy registrant and hold a post graduate qualification relevant to physiotherapy. Experience of working, and with good knowledge of contemporary practice in the field of physiotherapy is essential. Additionally, recent experience of facilitating practice-based education for physiotherapy students through supervising and assessing students in practice or equivalent settings is also essential.

To arrange an informal discussion, please contact Professor Jackie Waterfield, Head of Division DNPPR email jwaterfield@qmu.ac.uk

Should you wish to apply for this vacancy please download the job description and complete an application form.

If you have any queries regarding the application process or require any special assistance, please contact Human Resources on recruitment@qmu.ac.uk 

Completed application forms should be returned by 24th September 2023 and interviews will be held on 10th October 2023 online

This role does not meet the minimum requirements set by UKVI to enable sponsorship of migrant workers. Therefore, we cannot progress applications from candidates who require sponsorship to work in the UK.

As a university, we are committed to the Researcher Development Concordat and were, in fact, the first Scottish Higher Education Institute (and part of the first UK cohort of institutes) to publicly declare our commitment to its principles.

Queen Margaret University is committed to equality of opportunity for all by providing a supportive, flexible and inclusive working environment, and we welcome applicants from diverse backgrounds. Please have a look at our Diversity, Wellbeing and Inclusion Calendar.

We are proud to hold an Athena SWAN Bronze Award which recognises the advancement of gender equality at QMU. Find out more about Athena SWAN here.  We have a number of family friendly policies and are happy to consider job share applications.


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