Tag: England

1 4 5 658 / 58 POSTS
BMW driver told: ‘You can’t park there’ as car floats out to sea

BMW driver told: ‘You can’t park there’ as car floats out to sea

[ad_1] A BMW driver has been told by coastguards — somewhat amusingl [...]
Man arrested after car crashes into Downing Street gates

Man arrested after car crashes into Downing Street gates

[ad_1] Armed police arrested one man after a car crashed into the ga [...]
Rolf Harris dead: Plumber’s porn tip-off to police led to arrest

Rolf Harris dead: Plumber’s porn tip-off to police led to arrest

[ad_1] Rolf Harris first came to the attention of British police in [...]
Man accused of killing wife and strangling autistic daughter

Man accused of killing wife and strangling autistic daughter

[ad_1] A husband in the UK is said to have stabbed his autistic daug [...]
1 4 5 658 / 58 POSTS